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Radon is a naturally occurring colorless, odorless, and tasteless radioactive noble gas that is the decay product of Uranium which is present throughout the earth’s crust. Colorado is ranked 7th in the nation for radon levels above the recommended action level of 4pCi/L and 50% of Colorado homes are above that level.
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, and the second leading cause of cancer in smokers. It is important that we test the radon levels in our homes, it is the only way to know if we are being exposed to high levels of radon. Radon in drinking water causes approximately 168 cancer deaths every year. Private wells water supplies are prone to have much higher levels of radon than municipal supplies.
The good news is, radon is easy to test for and easy to mitigate. There are two ways to test for radon:
1. Contact a certified measurement contractor; this can cost as much as $300 depending on your location.
2. Do it yourself test kits. These kits can be found at your local hardware store.
If you choose to purchase a kit, be sure to purchase one that is EPA approved, it will specify on the package.
If you find that your home does have high levels of radon, it can be removed by a certified mitigation contractor.
NCHD recommends testing your home for radon every 5 years.
Learn more about your Radon Risk

If you'd like more information about Radon, please contact our Environmental Health Manager:
Melvin Bustos
(970) 867-4918 x2262
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