Healthcare Program for Children and Youth With Special Needs (HCP)
HCP supports children with special health care needs, from birth to age 21, and their families. Through care coordination, HCP assists Northeast Colorado families in understanding and coordinating the resources available for care and support including:
-Social Security Income (SSI)
-Early Intervention Colorado (EI)
-Special education and developmental disabilities services
-Access to health care providers
-Durable medical equipment

HCP Also:
Connects families with available resources;
Provides assistance with locating and applying for appropriate insurance programs for our youth;
Ensures that all children born in our region are screened for hearing loss and followed up with;
Provides nutrition education and screening by a registered dietitian;
Provides social and familial screenings by a licensed clinical social worker to provide referral for treatment;
Facilitates access to medical care by addressing your individual case and the barriers you face.
Specialty Clinic Dates 2025
Neurology Clinic
January 20 - Fort Morgan
March 6 - Fort Morgan
April 17 - Sterling
May 15 - Fort Morgan
June 26 - Sterling
Orthopedic/Rehab Clinic
April 30 - Sterling
June 10 - Fort Morgan

Services from NCHD's specialty clinics are scheduled by appointment only.
Clinics are held at NCHD's District Headquarters in Sterling, or in our Fort Morgan office.
To make an appointment at one of our clinics, please contact the Children's Hospital Scheduling Line listed below:
Neurology: 720-777-6895
Orthopedic: 720-777-6600
Rehabilitation: 720-777-2806
Below is a list of our team of experts that run this program and help run the neurology and orthopedic clinics held throughout the year:
Kirstin Schelling - Health Integration Manager
Kandi Jamison, RN - HCP Nurse
Christine Covelli, RN - HCP Nurse
Tina Kohl- Community Health Navigator