Emergency Preparedness
When and if a disaster strikes it is possible that responders may not be able to reach you immediately. It's important that you and your family have the ability to exist without emergency services if necessary, and that's where a Family Preparedness Plan comes in.
Our Emergency Preparedness program is focused not only on better preparing ourselves and our response partners but our community members as well. Planning ahead of time for emergencies, even something as simple as a power outage can help you and your family cope better with anything you encounter, and will help to free up emergency services in your community to those who really need them.
At NCHD we are trained to respond to emerging public health threats and provide credible information and expertise that help prepare and protect our communities in the event of an emergency. We respond to pandemics, acts of terrorism and other emergencies (e.g. floods, fires, natural disasters, local disease outbreaks, etc.). In doing this, NCHD works with first-responder agencies, the health care community, elected officials, law enforcement, and other local, state and national partners. We routinely practice emergency preparedness in planning, training, and conducting full-scale exercises within our six county region.
What can you do to be prepared?
Make an Emergency Plan
Emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night; it is important to prepare your family and household.
The best way to stay prepared is to create a plan and talk about it often.
Help your kids memorize emergency contact information.
Keep devices charged, especially if you know severe weather is coming.
Know your neighbors and their needs so you can help each other in emergency situations.
Include your pets in your plan, if you evacuate do not leave them behind.
Build an Emergency Kit
An emergency kit is simply a collection of basic items your family may need in the event of an emergency.
Include enough FOOD, WATER and MEDICAL SUPPLIES for your needs for at least 72 hours.

Stay Informed
We like to think, "That will never happen to me." The truth is, disaster can strike anywhere, even in our small Northeastern Colorado communities. Stay informed. Watch the news, follow credible social media feeds, and be prepared for what might happen. The following links are great resources for staying informed and staying prepared, or click the buttons.
These resources include information in multiple languages.
To begin receiving text or email emergency alerts in that area sign up in your county (please note that Washington and Yuma counties use a combined communications center):
Additional Flood & Recovery Resources
If you would like more information about Emergency Preparedness or training, please contact our Response Coordination Officer:
Mike Burnett
(970) 522-3741 x 1238