One-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate
by County
Updated 3/24/21
Colorado’s COVID-19 Post-Dial Public Health Order Released on April 15, 2021, which rescinds the Dial Public Health Order and implements limited restrictions
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has released the Colorado’s COVID-19 post-dial framework:
Summary of the changes on the new, post-Dial Public Health Order with limited restrictions in certain settings:
Rescinds and replaces PHO 20-36 COVID-19 Dial and PHO 20-29 Voluntary and Elective Surgeries and Procedures
Requires compliance with Executive Order D 2020 138, as amended and extended, concerning face coverings
Requires all businesses and government entities consider reasonable accommodations for individuals who cannot access or cannot take COVID-19 vaccines, follow the mask executive order, and strongly encourages following CDPHE sector guidance for disease mitigation
Requires 6 feet distancing and masks for mass indoor gatherings, defined as gatherings in public indoor spaces that exceed 100 individuals, and caps these gatherings to no more than 500 people absent a variance. Exempts places of worship, retail settings, restaurants that have seated dining and do not have gathering spaces that allow for more than 100 people to congregate, and allows local public health agencies to approve proms and graduation plans in excess of these caps in accordance with CDPHE guidance.
Requires schools to follow the CDPHE schools and child care outbreak guidance and further requires that when learning is all remote, extracurricular activities are not authorized in person.
Requires CDPHE approval of all outdoor seated, ticket event venues in excess of 30,000 square feet, in consultation with the local public health agency.
Continues existing hospital reporting requirements
Continues authority for CDPHE to require additional restrictions for any county when a county's resident hospitalizations threaten to exceed 85% of hospital or hospital system capacity
The updated dial does not change Colorado’s current
statewide mask mandate.
Read the Public Health Order.