Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions

Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions (CHHS) is a statewide program that aims to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
To be eligible to participate you need to be 18 years old and want to know how to reduce your risk for developing heart disease!

2020 American Heart Month FREE Screenings
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sedgwick County Economic Development, 125 Cedar Street, Julesburg February 5
Ovid Senior Center at Town Hall, 213 Main Street, Ovid February 11
Northeast Colorado Health Department, 228 W Railroad Avenue,
Fort Morgan February 19 -
Northeast Colorado Health Department, 700 Columbine Street,
Sterling February 25 -
Merino Health Day, Merino High School, 315 Lee, Merino February 28
Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions at the Northeast Colorado Health Department offers the following services at no cost:
A health assessment including risk for developing heart disease over the next 10 years
A cholesterol check
A blood sugar check
A blood pressure check
Health education on how to improve your heart health
Referrals to local medical and healthy living resources
Ongoing support to at-risk individuals