There are numerous benefits to breastfeeding in any amount. Though not all mothers can or choose to, when women breastfeed it benefits both mother and child as well as families, employers, and the environment. Breastfeeding builds a strong foundation for the health and development of infants, as well as their immunity to disease. Breastfed babies have fewer ear infections, stomach and respiratory illnesses, and are less likely to become overweight children.
Breastfeeding Resources
If you are a Breastfeeding Mother
Benefits of breastfeeding for mothers include a decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer and Type 2 diabetes. Individual families are not the only ones that benefit when mothers breastfeed, our communities benefit as well. Medical care costs are lower for fully breastfed infants who need fewer sick care visits, prescriptions, and hospitalizations. Also, more breastfed babies means less trash and plastic waste compared to that produced by formula cans and bottle supplies.
Take care of you!
Get plenty of rest. Being a mom can be tiring, no matter how you feed your baby. Rest when you can, sleep when the baby is resting, and don't be afraid to ask for help from family members for household tasks so you can focus on you and your baby. GOOD NEWS: research shows that lactation hormones give breastfeeding moms up to 45 minutes of extra sleep each night!
Talk with other breastfeeding moms. Seek out other nursing mothers at work, school, or in your neighborhood to share experiences and gain support.
Minimize leaking. Wear washable or disposable nursing pads inside your bra to help keep milk from leaking onto your clothes. Expressing milk every 2-3 hours will also help. Wear clothes in layers so if you accidentally leak, you'll have a sweater or jacket to wear over your blouse. Cross your arms firmly over your chest if you feel the milk starting to flow when you aren't ready for it. You will likely leak less after about 6-12 weeks when your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.
Eat nutritious food. Eating good foods will help you feel better about yourself and give you extra energy for handling the tasks of working and motherhood.
Know when to seek help. Depression is the most common complication of pregnancy. The good news is that it can be treated. As many as 80% of new mothers have the baby blues. Signs include crying, mood swings, having a short temper or being very sensitive. The Baby Blues go away without special treatment, usually within 10 days after giving birth. When these feelings linger or get worse, you may have pregnancy-related depression. For more information on these feelings click here.
WIC Helps!
WIC supports breastfeeding mothers with:
Ideas for how to breastfeed and work or go to school
Extra foods
Nutrition staff who can answer your questions
Breast pumps, for those that qualify
Peer counselors (experienced breastfeeding moms just like you)
For more information about WIC, click here
Tips for Pumping
How Often to Pump
If you are going to be away from your baby for more than a couple hours, you're probably going to want to express (i.e. pump) your milk.
Count the number of times your baby usually nurses every 24-hours. This is your "magic" number to keep steady once you return to work/school.
For example, if your baby usually breastfeeds 10 times every 24 hours you will need to either express or breastfeed 10 times every 24 hours once you are back at work. This might mean you breastfeed 6 times and pump 4 times for a total of 10, or once every two hours or so.Keeping your magic number steady will ensure that your milk production stays high, even when you are away from your baby.
Hands-Free Pumping
If you'll be using a double electric pump to express milk from both breasts at the same time, you can keep your hands free to snack or do other things.
You can purchase a "hands-free" pumping bra or make your own by cutting small holes in the middle of an inexpensive sports bra to keep the pump flange next to your breast or use a hair tie to keep the pump attached. Just knot the hair tie into a figure 8 to your bra strap and then attach the other end to the flange.
For occasional expressing, a single manual or electric pump can be a good choice. For regular expressing, a double electric pump is best. Talk to a lactation professional, or WIC staff member about what to use and where to get a pump.
Colorado and Federal Laws Support Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding in Public Act
Colorado Revised Statues 25-6-302 established that a mother may breastfeed in any place she has a right to be.
This act acknowledges Colorado is involved in the national movement to recognize the importance of breastfeeding, within the scope of complete pediatric care, and to encourage removal of societal boundaries placed on breastfeeding in public.
Postponement of Jury Service for a Person Who is Breastfeeding a Child Act
This act establishes that a person who is breastfeeding a child is eligible for two, 12-month postponements of jury service.
Accommodations for Nursing Mothers Act
This act established a standard for an employer to:
Provide reasonable unpaid break time, or allow an employee to use paid break and/or meal time to express milk for her nursing child for up to 2 years after the child's birth
Make reasonable efforts to provide a nursing mother with a private location in close proximity to her work area (other than a toilet stall) in which to express milk
Not discriminate againt women for expressing milk in the workplace
If you are an Employer
We can assist you in becoming compliant with Colorado State Law, NCHD can provide the following resources as needed to support breastfeeding friendly workplaces:
Policy support
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, when companies provide this support, they see a 1:2 return on their investment in the areas of:
Retention of experienced employees;
Reduction in sick time taken by both moms and dads for children's illnesses; and
Lower health care and insurance costs
Breastfeeding is the healthiest and most beneficial start to life that any child can have. Policies, created in this area, help summarize the rationale, business benefits, health benefits, and the law. The policies also describe the accommodations and the expectations of all who come together within the company to make it possible.
The following is a list of the businesses we have worked with in Northeast Colorado.
Thank you for supporting and accommodating breastfeeding mothers!
Haxtun Community Childcare Center
Hagen Early Education Center
Dragon's Wagon Preschool
Little Folks Preschool
Steve’s Auto Repair
Small World Christian Daycare
Wray Community Learning Center
Wiggins Preschool
Wisdom Rides Inc
Yuma Children’s Academy
Iliff Head Start
Weldon Valley School District RE-20J
Sterling Early Learning Center
Lala's Bakery and Espresso Bar
Akron Balanced Child Development Center
Family Resource Center